
"Paradise on the Inside" is a vibrant line of paintings, hats and earrings inspired by the new creation reality of knowing Jesus Christ.

"Therefore if any person is [ingrafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come!" (2 Corinthians 5:17)

  • WA Youth Conference

    Divine inspiration

    All works are stimulated and guided by the Holy Spirit. I never know what He will anoint as inspiration for me, it could be a synesthesia response to sound or a scene from a film. Regardless, the end result carries a strong message of hope and freedom that is aligned with the Word of God!

  • Mixed Media

    Each piece begins with a gestural image scrawled out in India ink or charcoal. I then continue to layer with painting and drawing mediums, pushing and pulling the color, line and shape to render depth and to create a transformed, otherworldly space within my picture plane.

  • Bluewater Sunday Morning, 2020


    Serving at Bluewater Mission in Honolulu was one of the best chapters of my life thus far! It was there that God developed an ability to paint prophetically. Each Sunday I would listen to Holy Spirit and paint what I sensed He was communicating to an individual or congregation. When the picture resonated with someone they were welcomed to take the painting home and receive prayer ministry.

    After 11 years of painting, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for what God did through the art ministry.

    Oahu has blessed me more than words can say, this kingdom business is the beautiful melding of my time there and a new beginning in Moravian Falls, NC.

    Please contact me if you would like to have prophetic art ministry at your event or service.

  • Commissions

    I absolutely love praying for you and seeing what God has to convey. There is something so powerful about a prophetic painting anointed by God. The work continually speaks and ministers to the deepest places in someone's life.

    Please fill out the contact page if you are interested in a commission(s).

  • Live Art

    Painting live is such an exciting process! I have painted for all sorts of events ranging from collaborating with bands to painting for a special 40th birthday. It is a truly enriching experience for artist and audience. If you are interested in booking live art for your event please fill out the contact page.

  • Prophetic Art Workshops

    Prophetic art is worship to God, edification to the church, a conduit for the miraculous and an innovative way to bring in the lost. 

    Become activated in this gift and see how God unlocks all sorts of creativity within you!

    Please contact me for booking a prophetic art workshop.

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