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"The Life to Surrender" (3ft x 6.76) Mixed media on canvas triptych

Regular price $1,500.00 USD
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"The Life to Surrender"

This prophetic painting started by getting a picture in prayer of someone’s arms being pulled all the way back, almost looking like they’d dislocate! The next picture was of a book completely open so that the bindings touched, finally the last image was a door hinged slightly ajar with gold shining in the crack. 

While painting this triptych, God spoke to me about radically surrendering in order to radically receive what He wants to pour out at this time. To get in a position of humility (fully dependent on Him) and turn our faces to His with absolute, pure engagement.

Holy Spirit directed my attention to John 3:16, SUCH a well known verse, but has been exploding with newness lately: 

16 For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten ([a]unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life 

Jesus is “The Life '' (John 14: 6-11) and for those of us that have Him on the inside, we have the ability, pliability, humility to surrender as He did on the cross. This abundance of Jesus is eternal, elastic, Perfect in Character so that we can yield, supernaturally grow without limitations, dislocations or injuries in order to fulfill His plans and purposes for our lives individually and collectively.

Hear Him say, "Just when you thought you laid down everything, there’s always more, but fear not, I AM literally with you!!" You were made to go the distance, making history with God and shining brighter than ever before!! For His Glory and Namesake!! He has given us The Life to surrender!!!